Haiku Canada was founded in 1977 by Dr. Eric Amann, Betty Drevniok and George Swede. First called the
Haiku Society of Canada, it was renamed Haiku Canada in 1985. Since it was founded, members have shared information
on haiku, haiku events, organizations, markets and publications. Meetings, readings, annual spring weekends and various
publications have provided members with stimulation and opportunities to learn and to share their work.
functions and traditions have evolved during the terms of previous presidents: Eric Amann (1977-79), Betty Drevniok
(1979-1982), Sandra Fuhringer (1982-85), Dorothy Howard and Andre Duhaime (1985-88), Dorothy Howard (1988-1990), and
Marshall Hryciuk (1990-1997). Since these practices have served the members well, they form the basis of this document.
At the Annual General Meeting in Aylmer, Quebec in 1997, the members determined to write a constitution for
Haiku Canada which would serve as a source of vision and practical reference in future years.
1. Haiku Canada shall continue as a society of haiku poets and enthusiasts. The purposes of Haiku Canada are:
1.1. to promote the creation and appreciation of haiku and related forms among its members and the public at large.
1.2. to foster association, friendship, communication and mutual support among haiku poets in Canada and elsewhere
in the world.
2. The Executive Officers of Haiku Canada shall:
2.1. be Canadian citizens, landed immigrants
or long-term residents. 2.2. include a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Regional Representatives
for each of the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairie Provinces, and British Columbia. 2.3. be elected
nationally by mail-in ballot or electronic means for two-year renewable terms but in the event of a vacancy for any
reason, the Executive may appoint any person to act as an Executive Officer until the next election.
3. The
President shall:
3.1. be active and be the general manager of the affairs of Haiku Canada. 3.2. preside as
Chairperson at the AGM. 3.3. set an agenda and conduct meetings so as to deal with matters of importance to the members.
3.4. organize, with the help of the executive and members, the annual spring weekend. 3.5. see that resolutions
are carried into effect. 3.6. act as spokesperson for Haiku Canada. 3.7. maintain good communication with the members
through the Newsletter as to developments in the organization and in the haiku world.
4. The Vice-President
4.1. support and act as liaison for the President. 4.2. in the absence or disability of the President,
or if designated by the President to do so, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President.
The Treasurer shall:
5.1. keep custody of the funds and records of receipts and disbursements in the name and
to the credit of Haiku Canada. 5.2. disburse funds as directed by proper authority taking vouchers or receipts
for all such disbursements. 5.3. provide for the AGM an accounting of transactions and a statement of the financial
position of Haiku Canada which shall be published in the Newsletter following the AGM.
6. The Secretary shall:
6.1. record the minutes of the AGM, have the text read by the President or Vice-President for any errors or omissions,
forward it to the Newsletter Editor for publication, and submit it for approval at the next AGM. 6.2. assist the
Executive as required.
7. The Regional Coordinators shall:
7.1. make occasional reports for inclusion in the
Newsletter on haiku activities in their regions. 7.2. be encouraged to represent Haiku Canada at literary conferences
and other events in their regions. 7.3. be encouraged to promote in their regions the organization of haiku groups,
events, newsletters, and other forms of promotion under the aegis of Haiku Canada.
8. Other Officers
addition to the Executive there shall be a Membership Secretary, a Newsletter Editor, an Archivist, a Members Anthology
Editor, and a Nominations Coordinator, all of whom shall be appointed by the Executive.
9. The Membership
Secretary shall:
9.1. maintain an up-to-date list of members and addresses. 9.2. collect the dues and forward
them to the Treasurer. 9.3. provide the Newsletter Editor with membership data for mailing purposes.
The Newsletter Editor shall:
10.1. edit and produce the Haiku Canada Newsletter. 10.2. inform the members of matters
of interest to them through regular publication. 10.3. edit and publish Haiku Canada broadsheets or other forms
of publication of members work.
11. The Archivist shall maintain intact the archives of Haiku Canada and receive
all manner of haiku and haiku-related publications, book, magazines, papers and materials for preservation.
The Members Anthology Editor shall gather haiku from members, and select from them an anthology to be launched at
the AGM.
13. The Nominations Coordinator shall:
13.1. form a committee to solicit nominations for the Executive
Officers through the newsletter and in person. 13.2. prepare by year end a mail-in or electronic ballot with the
slate of all members willing to stand for election. 13.3. forward the ballots which must be returned at least
one month prior to the date of the next AGM. 13.4. inform the incoming and outgoing Executive Officers of the results
of the vote.
14. The Haiku Canada Newsletter shall:
14.1. continue as the official publication of Haiku Canada.
14.2. serve to maintain communication among members so that the aims of Haiku Canada might be realized. 14.3.
be published on a regular basis at least three times a year. 14.4. be provided free with membership in Haiku Canada.
15. The Members Anthology shall be published annually by Haiku Canada and launched at the AGM. Each member in
good standing may contribute work and shall receive one free copy.
16. The Archives shall continue as the valuable
and irreplaceable repository of works by and of interest to lovers of haiku and related forms, particularly in the
Canadian tradition. To this end, all members are encouraged to provide a copy of their haiku and haiku-related publications,
books, magazines, papers and materials to the archives free of charge. Literary papers of haiku poets as well as other
donations and bequests for the maintenance of the Archives are encouraged by Haiku Canada.
17. Annual Election
17.1. The Annual Election shall be held by mail-in ballot or electronic means. 17.2. Each member in good standing
shall receive a ballot with the first issue of the Newsletter in the year elections are held. 17.3. The results
shall be announced at the AGM and published in the next issue of the Newsletter.
18. The Annual General Meeting
18.1. The AGM may be held at any place in Canada. 18.2. The time and place for the AGM shall be determined
by the members at the AGM. 18.3. Any member in good standing may vote on any issue at the AGM. 18.4. A quorum
shall consist of a minimum of six members all of whom must be present before business may be conducted on behalf of
the members. 18.5. In the absence of the Secretary, an Acting Secretary shall be appointed to record the proceedings
and follow the procedures set out above for the Secretary. 18.6. Minutes of the previous AGM and reports from
all Executive and other Officers shall be presented at every AGM. 18.7. Any member who is unable to attend the
AGM but wishes to raise or comment on any issue(s) of concern may forward his or her concerns or comments to any member
of the Executive and those comments shall be read at the AGM.
19. Membership and Dues
19.1. Membership
is open to any person who pays dues. 19.2. Dues for membership in Haiku Canada shall be set at the AGM.
Life Members
20.1. Members who have made an outstanding contribution to Haiku Canada may be nominated as members
for life. 20.2. The nomination shall be presented at the AGM and voted upon. 20.3. Those who are voted in as members
for life shall pay no dues and receive all rights of members in good standing as long as they live.
21. Amending
the Constitution
The Haiku Canada Constitution may be amended by a majority vote at any duly convened AGM provided
21.1. notice of the change has been served on all members at least one month prior to the AGM. 21.2.
all members shall have an opportunity to vote in person, by mail or electronic means. 21.3. any member who is unable
to attend but wishes to be heard on the amendment may forward his or her comments to any member of the Executive and
those comments shall be read at the AGM.
Acknowledgement (from the Haiku Canada Newsletter, June 2002)
The Haiku Canada Constitution has been passed by membership vote. Ann Goldring acknowledged the efforts of
Marianne Bluger who spent a summer writing the first draft that was presented at the May 1998 meeting, Muriel Ford
who was a staunch advocate of the formalization of Haiku Canada and who worked extensively on the first Nominating
Committee, and Nick Avis who provided amendments to the Constitution.