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My second year was a fairly tough ride across the prairies.
I thought that I would have a west wind pushing me all the way but as it turned out the wind seemed to blow from the north or the south most of the time. I did have one day in Southern Manitoba with a good west wind and rode for several hours at an average speed of over 30 kilometres an hour.
I thought that I would have a west wind pushing me all the way but as it turned out the wind seemed to blow from the north or the south most of the time. I did have one day in Southern Manitoba with a good west wind and rode for several hours at an average speed of over 30 kilometres an hour.

I stopped for lunch in Medicine Hat and was able to use my tripod and timer to take this picture.

Lesley and I arrived at the Alberta Saskatchewan border the same time as a man riding a motorcycle from Calgary to Regina. We compared bikes and travel plans and took a picture for each other. He is taking the picture and that is why you can see his bike, my bike and Lesley and me.

After two full days riding, I had quite a sun burn.

When I was 5 years old, I had an accident with a Case Eagle. I tried to climb on it and tipped it over. It broke my right thumb and some bones in my foot.
They are no longer that common and so I enjoy taking pictures of them whenever I can. This one is in Maple Creek,
Saskatchewan where we finished the second day of the bike trip.

Large bales of hay came in handy when a moment of privacy was needed.

June 29 2006
Magrath to Bow Island
145.14 km
6 hours 43 minutes
Average speed 21.6 km/hr
Maximum speed 40.4 km/hr
Total distance 145.14 kilometres
June 30th
Bow Island to Maple Creek Saskatchewan
162.49 km
6 hours 46 minutes
Average speed 23.7 km/hr
Maximum speed 51.9 km/hr
Total distance 307.63 kilometres
July 1st
Maple Creek to Swift Current
140.72 km
6 hours 08 minutes
Average speed 22.9 km/hr
Maximum speed 42.1 km/hr
Total distance 448.35 kilometres
July 3rd
Swift Current to Moose Jaw
182.94 km
7 hours 07 minutes
Average speed 25.7km/hr
Maximum speed 50.9 km/hr
Total distance 631.29 kilometres
July 4th
Moose Jaw to Grenfell
201.73 km
8 hours 58 minutes
Average speed 22.5 km/hr
Maximum speed 43.4 km/hr
Total distance 833.02 kilometres
July 5th
Grenfell to Moosomin
101.55 km
4 hours 36 minutes
Average speed 22.1 km/hr
Maximum speed 44.1 km/hr
Total distance 934.57 kilometres
July 6th
Moosomin to Souris Manitoba
140.75 km
6 hours 41 minutes
Average speed 21.0 km/hr
Maximum speed 46.4 km/hr
Total distance 1075.32 kilometres
July 7th
Souris to Miami
185.60 km
Average speed 24.5 km/hr
Maximum speed 61.24 km/hr
Total distance 1260.92 kilometres
July 8th
Miami to Richer
174.83 km
6 hours 53 minutes
Average speed 25.4 km/hr
Maximum speed 44.1 km/hr
Total distance 1435.75 kilometres
July 10th
Richer to Kenora Ontario
160.08 km
7 hours 24 minutes
Average speed 21.6 km/hr
Maximum speed 47.8 km/hr
Total distance 1595.83 kilometres