Joshua's mother was Lesley's oldest daughter Jennifer. Unfortunately, she passed away at the end of August 2007.
Lesley and I have gone from being grandma and grandpa to mom and dad.
We love him and enjoy the challenge of being his parents.

Josh adores Lesley. She is often the recipient of "big kisses".

evening breezes
stir the cherry blossoms
a newborn's sweet breath
Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival 2008

I think Josh has some big questions about the camera. We took this one with a tripod and the timer function on the camera. It is very hard to catch him smiling because as soon as he sees the camera he goes into a serious and questioning look.

Poor Josh. His forehead is at the same level as the dining room table. He ran into it and grew quite a goose egg.

Josh is a fan of movies. This little dvd player can keep him occupied for a long time.Frosty the Snowman and Madagascar are two of his favourites.

Josh loves the library. It is full of interesting books and spaces between the shelves which are great for running around in. He likes to chase and his cackling laugh makes everyone smile

Josh enjoys finger painting and drawing. He also likes to dip his fingers in egg yolk, peanut butter and any other food that has that kind of consistency.

Josh is hanging out with Maci and Cohen.

Josh has been good about sleeping in his own bed but lately he has been ending up in our bed. I kind of like it but Lesley says he flops and kicks and climbs around enough that it makes it hard for her to sleep.

It seems to me like Josh looks like Daniel Craig when he was 4 years old.