Welcome to Haiku Canada

Join Haiku Canada

Saint John's conference accomodations
Saint John's conference registration
Betty Drevniok Award 2012
Haiku Creativity with Emiko
Montreal 2010 Conference Schedule
Montreal 2010 Conference Registration and Accomodation Information
Betty Drevniok Award 2009
Haiku Canada Vancouver 2009
Betty Drevniok Award 2007 and 2008 -- Important Deadline Changes
Betty Drevniok Award Results 2006
A Tribute to Marianne Bluger
Join Haiku Canada
About Haiku Canada
Haiku Canada Photo Gallery
Read about Haiku Canada's 25th Anniversary in 2002

The membership secretary is:

Melanie Noll

512 - 57 Bayswater Avenue

Ottawa  Ontario  K1Y 2E8





Haiku Canada

Membership Form

Membership begins January 1 and continues for a calendar year

(January to December). We encourage you to renew during the Fall months, so you will continue to receive the newsletters, Haiku Canada Review, Members’ Anthology, and HC Sheets.


Year:                           2011              2012

Status:                          New              Renewing

Fee:                          Regular – Canada ($25 CDN)

                          Regular – United States ($27 US)

                          Regular – International ($30 US)

                          Student – Canada ($15 CDN) Other ($15 US)

Payment:              Cheque               Money Order









city                                        province                      postal code


___________________     _______________________________

phone                                        email


If you do not wish to have your mailing and/or email address included

in the Haiku Canada annual membership list, please indicate below.


Please do NOT include:   mailing address             email address




à Haïku Canada

L'adhésion commence le 1er janvier et continue pendant une année civile (janvier à décembre). Nous vous encourageons à renouveler pendant les mois d'automne, ainsi vous continuerez à recevoir les bulletins, la revue de Haïku Canada, l'anthologie des membres, et les feuilles de HC.


Année:               2011              2012

Statut:                          Nouveau membre                          Renouvellement

Frais:                          Régulier – Canada ($25 CDN)

                          Régulier – États-Unis ($27 US)

                          Régulier – International ($30 US)

                          Étudiant – Canada ($15 CDN) Autre ($15 US)

Paiement:              Chèque                Mandat








ville                                                province                 code postal


___________________     _______________________________

téléphone                             courriel


Si vous ne souhaitez pas faire inclure votre adresse et/ou

courriel dans la liste annuelle des membres de Haïku Canada,

indiquez s.v.p.ci-dessous.


N’incluez pas, s.v.p.:   mon adresse             mon courriel


"Haiku Canada members receive an annual anthology containing haiku by members, plus three issues yearly of the Haiku Canada Newsletter, a journal of haiku, articles, and haiku-related news and events. Each issue of this journal also contains several "Haiku Canada Sheets," which are trifold broadsides featuring haiku by individual members. Haiku Canada also holds an annual haiku contest with $175 in prizes, and maintains a haiku archive. Haiku Canada also holds a national haiku retreat/conference where members and guests give talks on haiku, hold workshops, give readings, and enjoy socializing with other haiku poets. The 2006 event will be at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver."
