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Betty Drevniok Award 2007 and 2008 -- Important Deadline Changes

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Betty Drevniok Award 2007 and 2008 -- Important Deadline Changes
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The Betty Drevniok Award 2007 and 2008

Please note the November 30th deadline for the 2007 Award is now past. But the new deadline for the 2008 Award is February 14, 2008. The deadline is being moved forward to shorten the time haiku are held before the May announcement of winners. Please be advised that this means the 2007 and 2008 contests will happen in rapid succession. After this switch, the contest deadline will remain February 14th of each year. Entry instructions are listed below.

-Contest Coordinator: Ann Goldring

Haiku Canada established this competition in memory of Betty Drevniok, Past President of the society. With the exception of members of the executive of Haiku Canada, the contest is open to everyone, including Regional Coordinators of HC.

Haiku must be unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere.

A flat fee of $5 Cdn (in Canada) or $5 US (for entries outside Canada) for up to 3 haiku is payable to Haiku Canada. Note: 3 haiku, not more.

Submit three copies of each haiku, typed or neatly printed on each of three 3X5 cards; one card must include the author's name, address and telephone number in the upper corner, while the other two must contain no identifying marks.

Postmark Deadline: February 14, 2008.  

Winners will be announced at the Annual General Meeting in May 2008. First Prize $100; Second Prize $50; Third Prize $25 for haiku.

The top ten poems will be published in a Haiku Canada Sheet and distributed with the Haiku Canada Anthology.

No entries will be returned. If you are NOT a member of Haiku Canada and wish a copy of the broadsheet with the winning haiku, include a SASE (business size, Cdn stamps) or a SAE and $1 for postage and handling.

Send entries to The Betty Drevniok Award, c/o Ann Goldring, PO Box 97, 5 Cooks Drive, Leaskdale, Ontario, Canada L0C 1C0.